
Lars Huemer


Institutt for strategi og entreprenørskap


I have a Ph.D from Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University. Besides academic work in Sweden, and at BI since 1999, I have been a visiting scholar at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile (2004-2006) and at University of Technology, Sydney, Australia (1995).

Research areas
My research interests include interorganisational relationships and international management. Trust and identity are often core concepts. A recent project concerns interactions between multinational corporations and indigenous groups.

Teaching areas
Strategic management and Supply management. The role of business for economic and social development.


Huemer, Lars & Flygansvær, Bente Merete (2025)

Increasing circularity: The importance of resource interactions when adapting from waste management to resource management

Industrial Marketing Management, 125, s. 118- 130. Doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2024.12.010

Prenkert, Frans; Hedvall, Klas, Hasche, Nina, Eklinder Frick, Jens, Abrahamsen, Morten H., Aramo-Immonen, Heli, Baraldi, Enrico, Bocconcelli, Roberta, Harrison, Debbie, Huang, Lei, Huemer, Lars, Kask, Johan, Landquist, Maria, Pagano, Alessandro, Perna, Andrea, Poblete, León, Ratajczak-Mrozek, Milena & Wagrell, Sofia (2022)

Resource interaction: Key concepts, relations and representations

Industrial Marketing Management, 105, s. 48- 59. Doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2022.05.008 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Huemer, Lars & Wang, Xiaobei (2021)

Resource bundles and value creation: An analytical framework

Journal of Business Research, 134, s. 720- 728. Doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.06.018 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

All organizations intend to create some form of value. Yet, the most influential analytical frameworks focusing on resources emphasize competitive advantage, which is a concern for only some organizations. This study proposes a novel analytical framework focusing on value creation. Moreover, the framework returns to the emphasis on the bundled nature of resources stressed in earlier strategy theory. The concepts of resource interfaces, resource imprints and cogency effects, are combined to (i) highlight the bundled and interdependent nature of resources (ii) reinterpret the classical emphasis on rareness and inimitability and (iii) redefine the meaning of a strategic resource. With help of a longitudinal case study, the scope of value creation is broadened by reconsidering the meaning of the ‘best resource’ and the ‘weakest link’; focusing on being ‘better with…’ rather than being ‘better than….’.

Huemer, Lars (2017)

Everything is one? Relationships between First nations and salmon farming companies

Verbos, Amy Klemm; Henry, Ella & Peredo, Ana Maria (red.). Indigenous aspiration and rights: The case for responsible business and management

Huemer, Lars (2017)

Strategizing in horizons and verizons: Distinguishing between mediators and firms' mediating functions.

The IMP Journal, 11(2), s. 274- 288. Doi: 10.1108/imp-12-2015-0069 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Abrahamsen, Morten H.; Henneberg, Stephan C., Huemer, Lars & Naudè, Peter (2016)

Network picturing: An action research study of strategizing in business networks

Industrial Marketing Management, 59, s. 107- 119. Doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2016.02.006

Our paper is concerned with how managers understand their surrounding network and what strategic actions they take based on this insight. Recent research in the areas of network management and business relationships shows increasing interest in the interplay between cognition and action, particularly on how managers relate perceptions about their business network (“network picturing”) to decision-making and strategizing activities. In this study, we apply a novel research approach combining process research and action research methodology. Our sample is introduced to business network theories and concepts, and the use and adaptation of these concepts results in managerial options being articulated and applied. Our findings add new insight in the field of network strategy and network picturing. Network picturing represents a way to understand the boundaries of the firm and how this understanding affects managers' decisions. This differs from the fundamental distinction between the external and the internal environments of classical strategy analysis. In terms of network picturing, strategizing is a way to understand the resulting actions or network outcomes that managers see as viable within their surrounding network. We also provide a conceptual process exercise as an example of how this insight can be relevant for managers in their decision-making processes.

Wang, Xiaobei; Persson, Kurt Gøran & Huemer, Lars (2016)

Logistics Service Providers and value creation through collaboration: A case study

Long Range Planning, 49(1), s. 117- 128. Doi: 10.1016/j.lrp.2014.09.004

Huemer, Lars (2014)

Creating cooperative advantage: The roles of identification, trust, and time

Industrial Marketing Management, 43(4), s. 564- 572. Doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2014.02.011

Huemer, Lars & Furlan, Andrea (2013)

Value Logic Interactions: Perspectives on Logistics Service Provider-Client relationships

MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ, s. 35- 51. Doi: 10.3280/mc2013-001004

Huemer, Lars (2013)

When in Rome, be(come) a Roman? An actor focus on identities in networks

Industrial Marketing Management, 42(7), s. 1112- 1120. Doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2013.07.007

Huemer, Lars & Wang, Xiaobei (2012)

From chains and tiers to layers and exchange streams: An analysis of information flows and intelligent goods

Dreyer, Heidi Carin & Foss, Trond (red.). Intelligent goods in transport system

Huemer, Lars (2012)

Organizational identities in networks: Sense-giving and sense-taking in the salmon farming industry

The IMP Journal, 6(3), s. 240- 253.

Huemer, Lars (2012)

Unchained from the chain: Supply management from a logistics service provider perspective

Journal of Business Research, 65(2), s. 258- 264. Doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2011.05.028

Persson, Kurt Gøran & Huemer, Lars (2011)

Samarbeid i forsyningskjeder

Persson, Kurt Gøran (red.). Logistikk og ledelse av forsyningskjeder

Huemer, Lars (2010)

Corporate Social Responsibility and Multinational Corporation Identity: Norwegian Strategies in the Chilean Aquaculture Industry

Journal of Business Ethics, 91(suppl. 2), s. 265- 277. Doi: 10.1007/s10551-010-0618-7

Felzensztein, Christian; Huemer, Lars & Gimmon, Eli (2010)

The effects of co-location on marketing externalities in the salmon-farming industry

The journal of business & industrial marketing, 25(1), s. 73- 82. Doi: 10.1108/08858621011009173

Huemer, Lars; Boström, Gert-Olof & Felzensztein, Christian (2009)

Control-trust interplays and the influence paradox: A comparative study of MNC-subsidiary relationships

Industrial Marketing Management, 38(5), s. 520- 528. Doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2008.12.019

Huemer, Lars; Boström, Gert-Olof & Felzensztein, Christian (2009)

Control - Trust Interplays and the Influence Paradox: A comparative study of MNC-subsidiary relationships

Industrial Marketing Management, 38(5), s. 520- 528.

Huemer, Lars; Håkansson, Håkan & Prenkert, Frans (2009)

The Becoming of Cermaq: The interplay between network influences and firm level control ambitions

The IMP Journal, 3(3), s. 53- 75.

Huemer, Lars & Fjeldstad, Øystein (2008)

Value configuration analysis. A new view of supply management

Jan Stentoft Arlbjørn, Árni Halldórsson, Marianne Jahre, Karen Spens (eds.), Northern Lights in Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Becerra, Manuel; Lunnan, Randi & Huemer, Lars (2008)

Trustworthiness, Risk, and the Transfer of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge Between Alliance Partners

Journal of Management Studies, 45(4), s. 691- 713. Doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2008.00766.x

Huemer, Lars (2006)

Supply Management: Value creation, coordination and positioning in supply relationships

Long Range Planning, 39(2), s. 133- 153.

Huemer, Lars; Becerra, Manuel & Lunnan, Randi (2004)

Organizational identity and network identification: Relating within and beyond imaginary boundaries

Scandinavian Journal of Management, 20(1/2), s. 53- 74.

Huemer, Lars (2004)

Balancing between stability and variety: Identity and trust trade offs in networks

Industrial Marketing Management, 33(3), s. 251- 260.

Huemer, Lars (2004)

Activating trust:The redefinition of roles and relationships in an international construction project

International Marketing Review, 21(2), s. 187- 201.

Gadde, Lars-Erik; Huemer, Lars & Håkansson, Håkan (2002)

Strategizing in industrial networks

Industrial Marketing Management, 32(5), s. 357- 364.

Becerra, Manuel; Huemer, Lars & Hoivik, Heidi von Weltzien (2002)

Moral character and relationship effectiveness: an empirical investigation of trust within organizations

Moral Leadership in Action

Huemer, Lars (2001)

Om förtroende och affärsrelationer

Tillitens ansikten/Aronsen,G. och J.C.Karlsson (red.)

Becerra, Manuel & Huemer, Lars (2001)

Moral character and relationship effectiveness : an empirical investigation of trust within organizations

Moral leadership in action, Edgar Elgar/Høivik, H.v.W

Håkansson, Håkan & Huemer, Lars (2001)

Marknader som organiserade nätverk

Nordiske organisasjonsstudier, 3

Østergren, Katarina & Huemer, Lars (1999)

Strategic thinking in the swedish construction industry

Strategic Change, 8(8), s. 445- 457.

Abrahamsen, Morten H. & Huemer, Lars (2017)

Blikk for bedre ­beslutninger

Ukeavisen ledelse [Kronikk]

Huemer, Lars (1)

Fra konflikt til samarbeid

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Huemer, Lars; Abrahamsen, Morten Høie, Huang, Lei, Lind, Johnny, Mandjak, Tibor, Pagano, Alessandro & Wang, Xiaobei (2023)

Analyzing Business Relationships and Networks ‘The IMP-Way’: A Review and Reflection on existing Tools & Frameworks

[Academic lecture]. IMP 2023: The Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Conference.

Huemer, Lars & Flygansvær, Bente M. (2022)

Bundling resources to create value in the circular economy: RENAS moves up the zero-waste hierarchy

[Academic lecture]. IMP Firenze.

Huemer, Lars (2022)

Value creation from a resource perspective: an interactive bundle analysis of the Parqio network

[Academic lecture]. IMP Asia.

Huemer, Lars & Abrahamsen, Morten H. (2021)

Strategizing in Networks:Identifying Sources of Value Creation by Network Picturing

[Academic lecture]. IMP Conference.

Hasche, Nina; Hedvall, Klas, Prenkert, Frans, Abrahamsen, Morten H., Aramo-Immonen, Heli, Baraldi, Enrico, Bocconcelli, Roberta, Carlborg, Per, Eklinder Frick, Jens, Harrison, Debbie, Huang, Lei, Huemer, Lars, Pagano, Alessandro, Perna, Andrea, Poblete, León, Ratajczak-Mrozek, Milena, Wagrell, Sofia & Kask, Johan (2020)

Resource Interaction: Towards a common understanding?

[Academic lecture]. IMP conference.

Aramo-Immonen, Heli; Bocconcelli, Roberta, Huemer, Lars, Pagano, Alessandro & Perna, Andrea (2020)


[Academic lecture]. EURAM conference.

Aramo-Immonen, Heli; Bocconcelli, Roberta, Huemer, Lars, Pagano, Alessandro & Perna, Andrea (2019)

Knowledge in Resource Interaction: Comparing IMP With Other Theories

[Academic lecture]. 35TH ANNUAL IMP CONFERENCE.

Huemer, Lars (2018)

The uncertainty of creation and the risk of execution: Trust, predictability and the production of experimental music

[Academic lecture]. IMP Asia.

Huemer, Lars & Wang, Xiaobei (2018)

An interactive resource analysis of supply chain interdependencies

[Academic lecture]. IMP Conference.

Harrison, Debbie; Huemer, Lars, Andersen, Espen, Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard & Swärd, Anna (2018)

Deliberate network orchestration and deliberate non- network strategizing: Developing seamless travel experiences.

[Academic lecture]. IMP Marseilles.

Huemer, Lars (2017)

People, planet, profit: Interactions between Corporations and Indigenous Peoples

[Academic lecture]. Invited speaker.

Harrison, Debbie & Huemer, Lars (2016)

Network strategizing: A resource analysis

[Academic lecture]. IMP conference.

Huemer, Lars; Andersen, Espen & Harrison, Debbie (2016)

Innovations in mediating technologies and the reduction of sequential frictions:Building seamless travel networks

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society conference.

Huemer, Lars; Jahre, Marianne & Dreyer, Heidi Carin (2016)

Seamless travel: The importance of network oriented business models

[Academic lecture]. EurOMA.

Huemer, Lars & Abrahamsen, Morten H. (2016)

Interdependencies between first nations and salmon farming companies

[Academic lecture]. IMP Asia in Africa 2016.

Swärd, Anna Sundberg & Huemer, Lars (2016)

Building trust in unlikely setting- trust repair and the role of time

[Academic lecture]. The 9th FINT workshop on trust- Dublin.

Huge Brodin, Maria; Huemer, Lars, Stentoft Arlbjørn, Jan & Kronborg Jensen, Jesper (2014)


[Academic lecture]. NOFOMA.

Kronborg Jensen, Jesper; Stentoft Arlbjørn, Jan, Huemer, Lars & Huge Brodin, Maria (2014)


[Academic lecture]. NOFOMA.

Wang, Xiaobei & Huemer, Lars (2013)

Supply Network Development and The Influence Paradox: A Case Study of Logistics Service Providers

[Academic lecture]. The 29th annual IMP conference.

Huemer, Lars (2012)

Relationships between Multinational corporations and Indigenous Peoples: Developing cooperative advantage

[Academic lecture]. IMP conference Asia.

Huemer, Lars (2012)

When in Rome, be(come) a Roman?

[Academic lecture]. IMP conference.

Abrahamsen, Morten H.; Henneberg, Stephan C., Huemer, Lars & Naudè, Peter (2012)

Perceiving Network Opportunities – An Action Research Study of Strategizing in Business Networks

[Academic lecture]. 28th IMP Conference.

Huemer, Lars & Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild (2011)

The Influence Paradox in Leadership:A Fundamental Source of Ambidexterity

[Academic lecture]. The 11th EURAM conference in Tallinn.

Huemer, Lars & Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild (2011)

Redefining Leadership:The Influence Trade-off in Strategic Change

[Academic lecture]. Fourth conference on Strategic Management in Latin America.

Huemer, Lars & Wang, Xiaobei (2011)


[Academic lecture]. WIP paper prepared for the 27th IMP conference.

Huemer, Lars & Furlan, Andrea (2011)


[Academic lecture]. Competitive paper prepared for the 27th IMP conference.

Huemer, Lars (2010)

Interactions between indigenous peoples and multinational corporations: Strategies and outcomes

[Academic lecture]. FIBEA 2010: Sustainability & Indigenous Entrepreneurship.

Huemer, Lars (2009)

Interactions between multinational firms and indigenous peoples: Strategies and outcomes

[Academic lecture]. MOPAN conference.

Prenkert, Frans; Håkansson, Håkan & Huemer, Lars (2008)

There and Back Again: Cermaq’s Entry and Development in the Aquaculture Sector as a Walk through Space

[Academic lecture]. Padova Workshop.

Huemer, Lars & Cox, M. (2007)

Interactions between Multinational Corporations and Indigenous Peoples: Value(s) Crashes or Value(s) Creation?

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. ?, 25(1), s. 59- 70.

Huemer, Lars (2003)

Trust and identity tradeoffs in networks

[Academic lecture]. 19th IMP conference.

Huemer, Lars; Becerra, Manuel & Lunnan, Randi (2002)

Organisational Identity and Network Identification: Creating and Perceiving Imaginary Boundaries

[Academic lecture]. The (inaugural) meeting of the IMP Group in Australia.

Huemer, Lars (2002)

Value Creation Strategies in Supply Networks: The Case of Logistics Service Providers

[Academic lecture]. 18th IMP conference.

Huemer, Lars; Becerra, Manuel & Lunnan, Randi (2002)

Organisational identity and network identification: Implications for network effectiveness, legitimacy and cooperation

[Academic lecture]. The Umeå conference on Different perspectives on competition and cooperation.

Lunnan, Randi; Huemer, Lars & Becerra, Manuel (2001)

Change options through network relations

[Academic lecture]. 17th IMP conference.

Huemer, Lars (2001)

Resource-activity dynamics: on the mobilisation of trust and the essence of trusting

[Academic lecture]. 17th IMP conference.

Akademisk grad
År Akademisk institusjon Grad
1998 Umeå University Ph.D.
År Arbeidsgiver Tittel
2009 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor
2000 - 2009 BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor
2002 - 2003 BI Norwegian Business School Head of Department