
Per Ståle Knardal

Førsteamanuensis - Campus Trondheim

Institutt for regnskap, revisjon og foretaksøkonomi


Per Ståle Knardal is Associate Professor in the Department of Accounting and Operations Management and member of BI Centre for Creative Industries. He received his PhD from NTNU in Management Accounting and Control following a Master of Music in Perormance from the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, UK and a Master of Science in Busienss Administration at NTNU.


Knardal, Per Ståle & Landrø, Karsten (2025)

Foreldremedvirkning i kulturskolen. Samproduksjon i praksis

Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 9(1), s. 22- 42. Doi: https://doi.org/10.23865/jased.v9.6884

Knardal, Per Ståle (2024)

Packing and unpacking management control in major sport events

Solberg, Harry Arne; Storm, Rasmus K. & Swart, Kamilla (red.). Research handbook on major sporting events

Solberg, Harry Arne; Becker, Denis Mike, Denstadli, Jon Martin, Heldal, Frode, Knardal, Per Ståle & Thøring, Thor Atle (2021)

Why are major sports events trapped in the winner's curse? A case study of the 2017 World Road Cycling Championship

Sport, Business and Management Doi: 10.1108/SBM-12-2020-0132 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Purpose – This paper sought to determine how a major sport event can become trapped in a winner’s curse, in which the fierce competition to host the event forces organisers to spend more on acquiring and hosting it than what it is worth in economic terms. Design/methodology/approach – This study used a combination of document analysis and 47 in-depth interviews with 51 individuals representing various private and public organisations involved in the implementation of the UCI 2017 Road Cycling World Championship. Snowball sampling and a semi-structured interview guide were used to ensure coverage of all relevant information. Findings – The organiser and the host municipal lacked the necessary experience with events of this size and character. Information from previous championships events was not transferred, and the municipality administration did not utilise experiences from hosting previous events. Limited financial resources prevented the organiser from hiring enough employees with the necessary competence. Lack of communication between the stakeholders who contributed in hosting the event reduced the quality of planning and preparations. A dubious culture and lack of seriousness within the Norwegian Cycling Federation, which was the owner of organising company, seemed to have been transferred to organiser. Originality/value – The research identifies some of the reasons why major sports events so often turns out to be more problematic than expected in economic terms, not only for the organiser but also for actors in the public sector in the host city. The novelty is that it goes into depth on the underlying reasons and the dynamic forces behind these problems.

Knardal, Per Ståle & Landrø, Karsten Selseth (2021)

“The school band and the Kulturskole are a single 'thing'”: Exploring co-production between the public sector and a non-governmental organisation

Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 5(3), s. 49- 64. Doi: 10.23865/jased.v5.2566 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Olsen, Anders Berg & Knardal, Per Ståle (2020)

EUs nye retningslinjer for foretaksrapportering av klimarelaterte opplysninger – byggverk på utrygg grunn?

Stenheim, Tonny; Baksaas, Kjell Magne & Kulset, Ellen Hiorth Marthinsen (red.). Aktuelle temaer i regnskap og revisjon

Knardal, Per Ståle & Burns, John (2020)

The use of accounting in managing the institutional complexities of a festival organisation pursuing financial and social objectives

Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change Doi: 10.1108/JAOC-09-2020-0126

Knardal, Per Ståle & Bjørnenak, Trond (2020)

Managerial characteristics and budget use in festival organizations

Journal of Management Control Doi: 10.1007/s00187-020-00305-0 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Knardal, Per Ståle (2020)

Orchestrating institutional complexity and performance management in the performing arts

Financial Accountability and Management, 36(3), s. 1- 19. Doi: 10.1111/faam.12223 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

This paper investigates the integration between institutional complexity and performance management in the field of performing arts. Prior research has documented tension related to how performance measures and management tools are used in arts organizations, and the conflict is often explained as being a result of the intrusion of business‐like accounting tools into the exercise of the arts. Drawing on the concept of institutional logics, the findings of the current study suggest that a diversity of logics is salient in this organizational field. The performance measurement system is confronted with multiple logics, and the study shows how the role of performance management is shaped by this institutional complexity.

Ahlgren, Per Christian & Knardal, Per Ståle (2019)

Samarbeid på tvers - der ulike logikker møtes

Ahlgren, Per Christian; Lind, Johnny & Nyland, Kari (red.). Styring av samarbeid i offentlig sektor

Knardal, Per Ståle (2017)

Kreativitet og styring. Er festivalbudsjett motpoler eller komplementære verktøy?

Praktisk økonomi & finans, 33(2), s. 220- 232. Doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-2871-2017-02-06 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Denne artikkelen undersøker hvordan et budsjett kan fungere som et verktøy for å balansere kontroll og kreativitet. Artikkelen bygger på en case-studie av en av de største norske festivalene, Olavsfestdagene i Trondheim, og hvordan utformingen og bruken av budsjettet er tilpasset de spesielle egenskapene festivaler har som økonomiske organisasjoner. Funnene i artikkelen støtter tidligere forskning som legger vekt på viktigheten av å balansere kreativitet og kontroll for å kunne styre festivaler på en vellykket måte. Denne studien gir dermed kunnskap om hvordan ledere bruker budsjetter til å kombinere styring og kontroll med kreativitet og dynamiske tilpasninger.

Knardal, Per Ståle & Pettersen, Inger Johanne (2015)

Creativity and management control – the diversity of festival budgets

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 8(4), s. 679- 695. Doi: 10.1108/IJMPB-11-2014-0082

Knardal, Per Ståle (2017)

Staten styrer ikke kunsten

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Hosseinniakani, Seyed Mahmoud; Khatri, Ishwar, Wahlstrøm, Ranik Raaen & Knardal, Per Ståle (2024)

Sustainability disclosure and cost of capital

[Academic lecture]. BAFA Annual Conference and Doctoral Masterclass.

Hosseinniakani, Seyed Mahmoud; Khatri, Ishwar, Knardal, Per Ståle & Wahlstrøm, Ranik Raaen (2023)

Market reactions to textual exaggeration in corporate non-financial reporting: An analysis of market reactions to corporate greenwashing

[Academic lecture]. 3rd Annual Conference of ASFAAG.

Hosseinniakani, S. Mahmoud; Khatri, Ishwar, Knardal, Per Ståle & Wahlstrøm, Ranik Raaen (2022)

Non-financial reporting in growth versus value firms: Greenwashing or transparency?

[Academic lecture]. NTNU Business School Conference 2022.

Knardal, Per Ståle & Sending, Aage (2021)

Finansregnskap med analyse

[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Knardal, Per Ståle; Olsen, Anders Berg & Wahlstrøm, Ranik Raaen (2021)

Fravalg av revisjon og effekter på finansieringsvilkår

[Academic lecture]. NTNU Business School Conference 2021.

Ahlgren, Per Christian & Knardal, Per Ståle (2018)

Samarbeid på tvers - der ulike logikker møtes.

[Academic lecture]. NTNU Handelshøyskolen Workshop, Styring av samarbeid i offentlig sektor.

Solberg, Harry Arne; Becker, Denis, Denstadli, Jon Martin, Heldal, Frode, Knardal, Per Ståle & Thøring, Thor Atle (2018)

Sykkel-VM 2017. Fra folkefest til økonomisk bakrus.

[Report]. NTNU: Center for Sport and Culture Management Research.

Knardal, Per Ståle & Solberg, Harry Arne (2017)

Major sports events – the challenges of hosting them efficiently.

[Academic lecture]. Play the Game 2017.

Knardal, Per Ståle & Solberg, Harry Arne (2017)

Major sports events – the challenges of hosting them efficiently.

[Academic lecture]. Workshop, NTNU Business School.

Knardal, Per Ståle & Solberg, Harry Arne (2017)

Major sports events – the challenges of hosting them efficiently.

[Academic lecture]. 25th EASM Conference 2017.

Knardal, Per Ståle (2017)

Budget control and perceived environmental uncertainty - the case of Norwegian festivals.

[Academic lecture]. 11th workshop on the challenges of managing the third sector..

Knardal, Per Ståle (2016)

The role of performance measures in the arts - a case of Norwegian symphony orchestras

[Academic lecture]. 9th International Public Sector Conference.

Knardal, Per Ståle (2015)

Institutional complexity and moderating factors on performance measures - the case of Norwegian symphony orchestras

[Academic lecture]. Workshop in Management Accounting in Practice and Research.

Knardal, Per Ståle (2015)

Moderating factors on performance measures - a case of Norwegian symphony orchestras

[Academic lecture]. 8th conference on performance measurement and management control.

Knardal, Per Ståle & Solberg, Harry Arne (2015)

The Economics of Hosting Regular Sports Events - A Case Study of World Cup Competitions

[Academic lecture]. EASM.

Knardal, Per Ståle (2015)

Beethoven’s long arms. An analysis of principal agent relationships in the Norwegian arts sector.

[Academic lecture]. FIBE.

Knardal, Per Ståle (2012)

Management accounting and control in highly professionalized organizations

[Academic lecture]. Eden doctoral seminar on producing and evaluating knowledge in management accounting.

Knardal, Per Ståle (2012)

New public management in Norway and Denmark

[Academic lecture]. Doctoral course-argumentation and research design in accounting.

Knardal, Per Ståle (2012)

Management accounting and control in highly professionalized organizations

[Academic lecture]. Workshop in Management accounting and control.

Knardal, Per Ståle (2012)

Management control systems in highly professionalized non-profit organizations

[Academic lecture]. Qualitative camp.

Knardal, Per Ståle (2012)

Management control systems in professional services

[Academic lecture]. FIBE.

Akademisk grad
År Akademisk institusjon Grad
2017 NTNU Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet PhD