Combating workplace bullying: Interventions and the role of the organization´s ethical infrastructure
Smith, Peter K. & Norman, James O'Higgins (red.). The Wiley Blackwell handbook of bullying : A comprehensive and international review of research and intervention : Volume 1
Outcomes of a proximal workplace intervention against workplace bullying and harassment: A protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial among Norwegian industrial workers
Background: Workplace bullying is an important and prevalent risk factors for health impairment, reduced workability and lowered efficiency among both targets and observers. Development and tests of effective organizational intervention strategies are therefore highly important. The present study describes the background, design, and protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of an organization-wide intervention on preventing workplace bullying with a focus on promoting active and constructive bystander behavior. The main overarching goal is to develop an easy to use and standardized organizational intervention based on theory and research in the role of bystanders in bullying situations with the potential of reducing the prevalence of workplace bullying. The theoretical framework of the study is theory of planned behavior (TPB; Ajzen, 1991). Methods/Design: Using a full randomized control trial (RCT) design, this project will empirically test the outcomes of an intervention program targeting bullying and harassment as the main distal outcomes and perceived behavioral control and helping behavior among bystanders as the main proximal outcome. A 1-year cluster randomized controlled design will be utilized, in which controls will also receive the intervention. About 1,500 workers from two different locations of a Norwegian industrial company will be randomized into one intervention group and two control groups with at least 400 workers in each group. A survey will be conducted electronically. With a total of three assessments over 10–12 months, the time interval between the measurement times will be 4 months. Thus, the data collection will take place at baseline, completion of the intervention and at 4 months follow-up. Discussion: This study primarily aims to develop, implement, and evaluate an intervention based on the abovementioned features with the ultimate aim of reducing the prevalence of workplace bullying, by awareness raising and training of bystanders. Manager involvement and involvement of the union representative and the elected health and safety representatives is an important feature of the program. Results of the intervention study will provide important information regarding the effectiveness of preventive interventions against workplace bullying when focusing on bystanders, particularly so regarding the role of bystander awareness, bystander self-efficacy, and bystander behavioral control on the one hand and the prevalence of bullying and harassment on the other.
Einarsen, Kari; Salin, Denise, Einarsen, Ståle, Skogstad, Anders & Mykletun, Reidar J. (2019)
Antecedents of ethical infrastructures against workplace bullying: The role of organizational size, perceived financial resources and level of high-quality HRM practices
What are the benefits that visitors gain from participating in a nonprofit food festival? Festival benefit is defined here as the ultimate value that people place on what they believe they have gained from observation or participation in activities and interaction with settings provided by festivals. Previous research has mainly focused on motivations for attending events, which are the drive side of the behaviour. Keywords: Psycho-social benefits; food festival; atmosphere; enjoyment; Gladmatfestivalen; Stavanger.
Einarsen, Kari & Mykletun, Reidar J. (2012)
Exploring the Success of the Gladmatfestivalen in Stavanger (Stavanger Food Festival)
Andersson, Tommy Daniel; Getz, Donald Philip & Mykletun, Reidar J. (red.). Festival and Event Management in Nordic Countries
Food festivals play a minor role in the recent Norwegian surplus of festivals. As niche events they face less competition than the dominating field of music festivals, however their success can no way be taken for granted. The purpose of this study is to illuminate success factors of festivals by presenting a case study of the Gladmat Festival in Stavanger, Norway, which has been arranged annually since 1999 and has attracted positive attention and 250.000 visitors, and been economically successful. Data have been collected by interviews, observation and document studies. It is concluded that the festival’s success depends mainly upon its embedding in a strong network of food and meal producing institutions and organisations, restaurants and outstanding chefs. The network is resting upon a tradition of food production of the area, and at the outset the local food produce was the nave of the Gladmat Festival. The scope of the festival has developed from regional to national and Nordic coverage, and it reaches out with activities and network development to the Nordic region and also internationally. While networking has been essential, entrepreneurial leadership placed within a simple and cheap organisational structure has been a second reason for the success. Taken together, the leadership, networking and food oriented context have made sponsoring and donations available and about 100 exhibitors have annually been willing to pay for their stands at the festival.
Einarsen, Kari & Mykletun, Reidar J. (2010)
Organisering av festivaler
Døving, Runar & Svensson, Göran (red.). Leksjoner i markedsvitenskap
I dette kapittelet diskuteres fenomenet festivaler og hvordan festivaler lykkes i konkurranse med et stadig voksende festivalmarked. Festivaler er unike organisatorisk i og med at selve livsgrunnlaget for organisasjonen vanligvis er avhengig av noe få dager eller uker av året når selve festivalen blir arrangert. I denne sammenheng møter festivalorganisasjoner på utfordringer som angår ressurser som økonomisk og menneskelig kapital. Festivaler er avhengig av støtte fra mange forskjellige støttespillere som lokalsamfunnet, publikum, sponsorer og medprodusenter som musikere, kunstnere og mat- og drikkeprodusenter, og festivalen må oppfylle disses til tider motstridende behov, og falle i deres smak for å bli en suksess. I kapittelet presenteres flere faktorer som påvirker festivalers evne til å overleve og gjøre seg gjeldende; Økonomi er en sentral faktor for å lykkes, og økonomistyring og verdisikring er nødvendig. Markedskommunikasjon er vanligvis en forutsetning, dermed blir det viktig med kunnskap om markedsundersøkelser. Festivalledere må ha kunnskap om alle sidene av festivaler og med en begrenset organisasjon som har få eller ingen ansatte blir organisasjonen følgelig avhengig av good will fra frivillige. Med en liten organisasjon blir en også avhengig av eksterne aktører og nettverksbygging med disse viktige aktørene kreves. Ved å bygge opp et festivalprodukt med en klar identitet og fremtidsplan forenkler festivalen sin kommunikasjon med markedet og vill letter skilles ut fra andre festivaler. Kapittelet konkluderer med at festivalsuksess er et relativt begrep, og blir ofte målt ut i fra subjektive faktorer der festivalsuksess kan bli målt ut i fra festivalen sine interne mål, publikumsoppmøte eller vekst. Til syvende og sist vil sunn økonomi, forhold til lokalsamfunn og markedsproduktet være noen av de tydeligste grunnpilarer for å lykkes.
Sværi, Sander; Svensson, Göran & Einarsen, Kari (2009)
"Empirical characteristics" of scholarly journals in hospitality and tourism research: An assessment
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(3), s. 479- 483.
The objective of this study is to describe the "empirical characteristics" of scholarly journals in hospitality and tourism research by assessing selected journals. A sample of scholarly journals was selected on the basis of journal ranking lists. The ¿empirical characteristics¿ assessed in this study were found to be variable across the studied journals.
Sværi, Sander; Svensson, Göran & Einarsen, Kari (2009)
"Scientific identity" of scholarly journals in hospitality and tourism research: Review and evaluation
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(4), s. 631- 634.
The objective of this study is to describe the ?scientific identity? of scholarly journals in hospitality and tourism research by reviewing and evaluating the approaches and the geographical affiliations of authors published in selected journals. The compiled results are analysed for patterns that appear to reveal the ?scientific identity? of each of the selected journals. In particular, scholars can note the particular features of individual journals while acknowledging the width and variety of research designs that are published in these scholarly journals.
Einarsen, Kari & Mykletun, Reidar J. (2009)
Exploring the Success of the Gladmatfestival (The Stavanger Food Festival)
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 9(2-3), s. 225- 248. Doi: 10.1080/15022250903031550
Food festivals play a minor role in the recent Norwegian surplus of festivals. As niche events they face less competition than the dominating field of music festivals, however their success can no way be taken for granted. The purpose of this study is to illuminate success factors of festivals by presenting a case study of the Gladmatfestival in Stavanger, Norway, which has been arranged annually since 1999 and has attracted positive attention and 250.000 visitors, and been economically successful. Data have been collected by interviews, observation and document studies. It is concluded that the festival?s success depends mainly upon its embedding in a strong network of food and meal producing institutions and organisations, restaurants and outstanding chefs. The network is resting upon a tradition of food production of the area, and at the outset the local food produce was the nave of the Gladmatfestival. The scope of the festival has developed from regional to national and Nordic coverage, and it reaches out with activities and network development to the Nordic region and also internationally. While networking has been essential, onset based on careful research and entrepreneurial leadership placed within a simple and cheap organisational structure has been the second and third reasons for the success. Taken together, the leadership, networking and food oriented context have made sponsoring and donations available and up to 100 exhibitors have annually been willing to pay for their stands at the festival.
Einarsen, Kari & Mykletun, Reidar J. (2008)
What Motivates Exhibitors for Participating in a Food Festival?
Hansen, Kai Victor; Larsen, Svein & Edwards, John S.A. (red.). Culinary Arts and Sciences VI - Global, National and Local Perspectives
[Academic lecture]. . 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology.
Hoprekstad, Øystein Løvik; Einarsen, Kari & Glambek, Mats (2024)
Managerial antecedents of workplace ostracism: A weekly diary study on the role of laissez-faire leadership and perceived conflict management climate
[Academic lecture]. 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology.
Glambek, Mats; Hoprekstad, Øystein Løvik, Einarsen, Kari & O'Reilly, Jane (2024)
Workplace ostracism and employee outcomes from a psychological safety perspective: A weekly diary study
[Academic lecture]. 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology.
Ågotnes, Kari Wik; Glambek, Mats, Hoprekstad, Øystein Løvik, Zahlquist, Lena Aadnevik & Einarsen, Kari (2024)
The impact of bystanders’ perceived access to resources on intervention behaviour in bullying situations
[Academic lecture]. 16th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology.
Background Workplace bullying is a prevailing workplace problem, with numerous studies documenting the detrimental impact of bullying on targets, bystanders, and organisations (Einarsen & Ågotnes, 2023). Concurrently, knowledge about the behavioural reactions of bystanders, which may have implications for how and when bullying situations persist and unfold, is still scarce. This exploratory study aims to investigate whether bystanders’ perceived access to resources at the group, department, and organisation levels will heighten the probability of bystander intervention. Specifically, it will investigate the effect of bystanders' perceived level of psychological safety, laissez-faire leadership (as a measure of a lack of department-level resources), and HR support on intervention behaviour enacted by bystanders as a reaction to a bullying situation. Method Data for the present study is part of an ongoing data collection using a convenience sample, where we have planned for three measurement points with 12-week time lags. Currently, we have completed the first round of data collection (N=756). We measured bullying intervention by asking respondents to indicate whether they had witnessed bullying behaviour enacted against co-workers during the past 12 weeks and further to indicate their behavioural response as either active/constructive (i.e., notifying the organisation, supporting the target in the situation, and/or offering support to the target at a later time) or passive (i.e., keeping away). These categories were dichotomized before our analyses so that we could compare each of the constructive behaviours to the passive behaviour separately. We performed several logistic regression analyses in SPSS, where the individuals’ perceived psychological safety, laissez-faire leadership, and HR support, respectively, were included as independent variables, and the different dichotomized categories of bystanders' intervention behaviours were included as dependent variables. We controlled for gender, leader status, and respondents’ reported exposure to negative acts. Results Results based on the cross-sectional (baseline) sample showed that individuals reporting high psychological safety were more likely to a) notify the organisation vs. keeping away (OR = 1.846, p
Furunes, Trude; Dagsland, Åse Helene Bakkevig, Gjerald, Olga & Einarsen, Kari (2019)
What is sexual harassment?
[Academic lecture]. 28th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospåitality Research.
Burned child shuns the fire: ethical infrastructure’s relation to whistleblowing behavior, intention to leave and future whistleblowing intentions
[Academic lecture]. The Eighth Nordic Working Life Conference.
Abstract This research investigates the association between ethical infrastructure and whistleblowing in work organizations. Ethical infrastructure consist of formal and informal systems that facilitate the ethical effectiveness of the organizations (Tenbrunsel et al., 2003). Whistleblowing is defined as the disclosure by organization members (former or current) of illegal, immoral or illegitimate practices under the control of their employers, to persons or organizations that may be able to effect action” (Miceli, & Near, 1985). Unethical behavior included counterproductive behaviors, destructive leadership, mismanagement of work tasks, corruption, fraud and misappropriation of funds. Quantitative data was collected by mailed questionnaires to a random sample of workforces in Norway. We studied ethical infrastructure`s prediction of whistleblowing in two steps. First, whether the presence of formal systems (whistleblowing procedures) and informal systems (justice climate) predicted the likelihood of reporting on observed unethical behavior. Second, whether formal systems (whistleblowing procedures and formal sanctions of the wrongdoer) and informal systems (justice climate and countervailing forces such as absence sanction of the wrongdoer and retaliation) predicted whistleblowers` intentions to leave the organization and their willingness to whistle-blow in the future. Results showed that 1) likelihood of reporting wrongdoing was predicted by procedures and justice climate; 2) likelihood of whistleblowers’ intentions to leave was predicted by absence of sanctions against the wrongdoer, and low justice climate; and 3) likelihood of willingness to future whistleblowing was negatively predicted by absence of sanctions against the wrongdoer and retaliation. The results show how organizations` formal actions to assure good tackling of unethical behavior in the organization, such as whistleblowing, may be compromised if the forces of the informal systems pulls in the opposite direction. Further studies should include organizational measures that enable and disable organizational members to whistle-blow.
Ethical infrastructure and its’ influence on conflict management climate: An empirical investigation and implication for preventing workplace bullying
[Academic lecture]. 9th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment. Promoting Dignity and Justice at work.
Våland, Terje Ingebrigt & Einarsen, Kari (2012)
Investigating ethical decision making in business relationships. Where do we start?
[Academic lecture]. IMP Asia.
Einarsen, Kari & Våland, Terje Ingebrigt (2010)
From Research question to research design. Challenges of obtaining valid sensitive data
[Academic lecture]. THE 26TH IMP CONFERENCE.
Einarsen, Kari; Mykletun, Reidar J. & Mykletun, Reidar J. (2008)
Why do exhibitors participate at a festival?
[Academic lecture]. 17th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research.
Exhibitors play a vital role the production of some festivals. Without competent and devoted exhibitors, festivals¿ quality can be affected. However, participating at a festival entails resource mobilisation of exhibitors, having to plan for and acquire certain material and move their business out of permanent premises into the festival venue. Therefore, it is important to enhance our knowledge of these contributors in a festival setting. The aim of this paper is to investigate why exhibitors attend at a festival and what they see as rewarding for their participation. The festival used as a case is the Gladmatfestival in Stavanger, a festival which has been arranged annually since 1999, and holds 100 to 140 exhibitors, and approximately 250.000 people visit the festival. Data were collected by interviewing 14 exhibitors at the festival arena during 2003 and repeated interviews with the festival manager up to 2006. The exhibitors` motivation to attend the festival can be divided into four main and interrelated areas: celebration, professional contact, marketing and economy. First and most important, the exhibitors viewed the festival as a break out of their daily routine, where the exhibitors can celebrate their profession. Second, professional contact was also important using the festival as an arena for developing and maintaining their business networks. Similarly, exhibitors¿ personal tie to the festival organization was also vital in their motivation to participate. Third, exhibitors use the festival as an informal arena to meet potential customers in a face to face marketing setting. Finally, economy appears to be a limited motivation factor, only present when exhibitors evaluate the possibility to break even.
Einarsen, Kari & Mykletun, Reidar J. (2002)
Student på Norsk hotellhøgskole: trivsel og innsats
[Report]. Norsk hotellhøgskole, Høgskolen i Stavanger.