BI Alumni

BI MBA Alumni

This is the page where you find all events organized by the MBA Alumni Board, and additional benefits you have available as a BI MBA Alumni.

Hybrid Seminars

The Hybrid Seminars are all streamed and followed by networking, light food, and drinks for those who are physically present. They take place at BI Oslo from 18:00 - 21:30. You can join these workshops either in person or online.

The next hybird seminars take place April 3 and November 13 of this year.

After Work Mixers

The after work mixers takes place informally at different locations in Oslo. This informal gathering is the perfect chance for MBA alumni to connect - no registration required. Just drop by anytime between 17:00 and 20:00. You’re guaranteed to meet some fellow alumni!

The next after work mixer takes place on March 13June 6 and September 11 of this year.

Partnership Seminars

BI has entered into a partnership with NEOMA Business School in Paris and Polimi Graduate School of Management in Milan, where each of the three schools will organise a three-day seminar focusing on a specific topic.

The seminars are open to MBA alumni and students from the three schools, as well as EMM Energy and BI-Fudan alumni and students.

This event will replace the MBA Annual Conference and Party.

Innovation Symposium in Paris

NEOMA Business School will host this year’s first seminar, the Innovation Symposium, taking place at the NEOMA Campus in Paris from 22–24 May.

The details are currently being developed, but the seminar will include lectures, panel discussions, and company visits. Registration and a detailed programme will be announced here as soon as they are finalised.

Sustainability Seminar in Oslo

BI will organise a seminar focusing on Sustainability from 22–24 October at BI Oslo.

The seminar will include lectures, panel discussions, and company visits. A dinner will be held at the end of the second day, on 23 October.

Participants can register for specific parts of the seminar, including the dinner. Registration and a detailed programme will be announced here as soon as they are finalised.

Join an Elective with the ongoing EMBA class 

As a BI MBA Alumni you can benefit from participating in the BI EMBA electives alongside the ongoing EMBA-classes.

Whether you had to prioritize between two electives during your student days, new electives have been added to the portfolio, or you simply miss being an EMBA-student, you now have a second chance!  

Practical information

  • Course length: Five days (Monday – Friday) 
  • Registration deadline for Spring electives: April 1st 
  • Registration deadline for Fall electives: September 1st  
  • Number of seats available: Spring 5 seats, Fall 2 seats.
  • Evaluation: Group and/or individually. Minimum 75% attendance is required to pass the exam.  
  • Course material: Included in the course fee, except for books which must be purchased by the participant. 
  • Price: NOK 16 500  

If you wish to sign up for a course, please contact the EMBA administration at may-britt.moxness@bi.no and we will send you the application link.  

Electives Overview


MBA Alumni Career Development and Coaching with AS3


An additional benefit for you is coaching sessions with AS3


More information

Connect on LinkedIn

Become a member and follow our LinkedIn group "BI MBA Alumni" for news and updates about our events and additional benefits you have available as a BI MBA Alumni.