Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert, Campbell, W. Keith & Glasø, Lars
Is there an upside to leader narcissism?
Dynamic Relationships Management Journal.
Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert, Campbell, K. & Glasø, Lars
Is there an upside to leader narcissism?
Dynamic Relationships Management Journal.
Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert & Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe
Increased span of supervision: an obstacle for effective leadership style?
Dynamic Relationships Management Journal.
Mayiwar, Lewend; Løhre, Erik, Chandrashekar, Subramanya Prasad & Hærem, Thorvald
Desire for Status is Positively Associated With Overconfidence: A Replication and Extension of Study 5 in Anderson et al. (2012)
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Paolino, Chiara; De Molli, Federica & Pinardi, F
The Emotional Side of Collecting: Disgust and Attraction in the Art Market
Swami, Viren; Voracek, Martin, Furnham, Adrian, Horne, George, Longhurst, Phaedra & Tran, Ulrich S.
Is nature exposure in autistic adults associated with more positive body image?
Mignacca, Benito; Sainati, Tristano & Locatelli, Giorgio
Financing energy technologies from invention to innovation: A novel analytical framework
Rostad, Ingrid Steen & Langvik, Eva Oddrun
“It’s the workload, not the pictures that keep me up at night.” Experiences of Norwegian police prosecutors working with child abuse cases
Ding, Haien & Kuvaas, Bård
Exploring the necessary roles of basic psychological needs at work: A necessary condition analysis
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Self-determination theory (SDT) postulates that all humans have basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. SDT scholars employ a necessity logic to define and interpret the roles of psychological need satisfaction for optimal human development. However, traditional regression techniques, often applied to test hypotheses derived from SDT, are unsuitable for testing necessity statements. To achieve a theory-method alignment, we employed necessary condition analysis (NCA) to examine whether basic psychological needs at work are necessary for employees' intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, life satisfaction, and vigour at work. Study 1's cross-sectional data (N = 550; Germany) and Study 2's time-lagged data (N = 417; UK and US) generally support the necessary roles of need satisfaction. Notably, intrinsic motivation and vigour are especially constrained by basic psychological need satisfaction. This research advances SDT by providing more precise accounts of the theory from a necessity-oriented lens. We also highlight the importance of management practices that can satisfy employees' basic psychological needs at work.
Furnham, Adrian
Personality and the education process: Individual difference preferences for teacher, technology, testing, time and topic
Loncar, Lea; Rostad, Ingrid Steen, Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild & Langvik, Eva Oddrun
Resources to mitigate health impairment among police employees investigating child abuse: a qualitative study exploring the availability of organisational support
Kopperud, Karoline & Kost, Dominique
You cannot start a fire without a spark: Strengths-based leadership and personal initiative
Norrøne, Tore Nøttestad & Nordmo, Morten
Comparing Proctored and Unproctored Cognitive Ability Testing in High-Stakes Personnel Selection
Gottschalk, Petter
White Collar Crime
Breit, Eric; Bråthen, Magne & Sadeghi, Talieh
Distinctions between inclusive and non-inclusive companies for persons with disability: Exploring the impact of COM-B and HRM practices
van Berkel, Rik & Breit, Eric
Organizational practices and their outcomes for employees with disabilities. A review and synthesis of quantitative studies
Journal of occupational rehabilitation.
Aksnes, Siri Yde & Breit, Eric
Varieties of engagement: exploring the micro-practices of managers in employing disadvantaged jobseekers
Chandrashekar, Subramanya Prasad; Løhre, Erik, Skjellet, Jenny & Kanten, Alf Børre
Communicated and Perceived Public Consensus About Climate Change
Loncar, Lea; Rostad, Ingrid Steen, Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild & Langvik, Eva
Organisational Support for Police Employees Investigating Child Abuse in Norway
Furnham, Adrian & Fenton-O'creevy, Mark
Eikum, Rune Schanke
Unleashing the potential of regenerative leadership: A
practice approach
Eikum, Rune Schanke & Carlsen, Arne
Becoming greener: Connecting events and mobilizing artifacts in
individual sustainability journeys
Müller, Ralf Josef
Balanced leadership
Müller, Ralf Josef
The governance of projects
Føllesdal, Hallvard
Agree or Agree a Little? The Rating Scale in the BFI-2 Causes Extreme Responses
Social Science Research Network (SSRN).
Nordmo, Magnus; Sunde, Hans Fredrik, Kleppestø, Thomas Haarklau, Nordmo, Morten, Caspi, Avshalom, Moffitt, Terrie E. & Torvik, Fartein Ask
Cognitive Abilities and Educational Attainment as Antecedents of Mental Disorders: A Total Population Study of Males
Andvik, Elisabeth; Egeland, Therese, Schei, Vidar & Andvik, Christian
Escaping the Professional Identity “Straitjacket”: Towards a Model of Identity Plasticity
Academy of Management Proceedings.
Müller, Ralf Josef & Wang, Linzhuo
A Taxonomy of Project Management Offices and Their Organizational Project Management Landscapes
Andreassen, Tone Alm & Breit, Eric
Professional responses to exogenous change: the social work profession and the jurisdictional domain opened up by the Norwegian welfare-to-work reform
Gollwitzer, Anton; Bao, Evelina & Oettingen, Gabriele
Intellectual humility as a tool to combat false beliefs: An individual-based approach to belief revision
Mayiwar, Lewend; Hærem, Thorvald & Løhre, Erik
Self-Distancing Regulates the Effect of Incidental Anger (vs. Fear) on Affective Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
Koppang, Haavard; Wenstøp, Søren Henrik & Pineda, Jaime A.
Neural perspectives on morality due to beguiling mechanisms
Gollwitzer, Anton; Marshall, Julia, Lee, Young-eun, Deutchman, Paul, Warneken, Felix & McAuliffe, Katherine
Parent and community political orientation predicts children's health behaviours
Furnham, Adrian & Cheng, Helen
Predicting job satisfaction: Findings from the British Cohort Study
Campbell-Hewson, Cristina; Grover, Simmy, Furnham, Adrian & McClelland, Alastair
To what extent do lay people and healthcare providers differ in the allocation of scarce medical resources in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Espedal, Gry & Carlsen, Arne
Value Inquiry and Constructing the Good in Organizations
Gottschalk, Petter
Content analysis of press releases from the Norwegian serious fraud office: what do the messages say about focal concerns?
Eikelenboom, Manon & van marrewijk, Alfons
Tied islands: The role of organizational members in knowledge transfer across strategic projects
Leka, Jona & Furnham, Adrian
Correlates of climate change skepticism
Berkel, Rik van & Breit, Eric Martin Alexander
Organizational Practices for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities. A Scoping Review
Hasbi, Marie M. & van marrewijk, Alfons
Navigating Tensions in the Organizational Change Process towards Hybrid Workspace
Cheng, Helen & Furnham, Adrian
Social, Demographic, and Psychological Factors Associated with Middle-Aged Mother’s Vocabulary: Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study
Dogaru, Isabela; Furnham, Adrian & McClelland, Alastair
Understanding how the presence of music in advertisements influences consumer behaviour
Standahl Johannessen, Seline & Karlsen, Jan Terje
Agile transformation in the energy sector: empowering autonomous teams
Furnham, Adrian & Cuppello, Stephen
Sex, Personality, and Mate Preferences
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In this study, we examined demographic, ideological, and personality difference correlates of ratings of 27 characteristics in a potential mate. In all, 288 mainly middle-aged adults completed two questionnaires: one assessing personality (high potential trait indicator) and one on mate preference (Mate Preferences Scale). Sex differences, where p< .001 and d > 0.40, revealed only one on personality (competitiveness) but five other factors (attractiveness, earnings, emotional stability, height, and sexiness) in line with previous studies. Correlations indicated that participant trait ambiguity tolerance and competitiveness (low agreeableness) were most closely related to mate choices and preferences for normality, good genes, and religious compatibility. A factor analysis of the ratings indicated five interpretable factors. Regressions, with the mate choice factors as criterion and demography, ideology, and the six traits as predictor variables demonstrated many of the traits related to mate preference ratings. Implications and limitations are noted.
Furnham, Adrian & Cheng, Helen
Correlates of maternal Openness
Alzoubi, Yazan; Locatelli, Giorgio & Sainati, Tristano
Turning a Blind Eye: Ignoring Modern Slavery in the Race to Construction Project Completion
Neto, Joana; Neto, Félix & Furnham, Adrian
Correlates of money attitudes among Portuguese people
Wang, Linzhuo; Wang, Xinnan & Müller, Ralf Josef
Breaking free from the invisible cage: Leveraging institutional logics to understand and facilitate organizational change projects
Bahadorestani, Amir; Farimani, Nasser Motahari & Karlsen, Jan Terje
Projects as game changers for navigating sustainability transitions in societies: Multi-level effects from micro-level decisions
Malik, Muhammad Yousaf; Wang, Linzhuo & Zhu, Fangwei
Understanding variations of governmentality and governance structures at the project level in project-based organizations
Zhou, Abby Jingzi; Jiang, Yangyang, Zhou, Steven Shijin, Lapointe, Emilie & Bai, Yuntao
The development of a calling by hospitality employees during an extreme event
Abdullah, Azwan; Gottschalk, Petter, Gupta, Chander Mohan, Kamaei, Maryam, Stadler, William & Urzică, Andreea-Luciana
Perceptions of offender motives, opportunities and willingness for financial crime: an empirical analysis of survey responses in six nations
Gottschalk, Petter
Partners in crime - Convenience case study of Norwegian publishing cartel