Project Management
The faculty group Project Management at BI Norwegian Business School is today among the leading research environments in project management in Europe.
Project management at BI stands out with a distinct profile, differing from what is typically found in technical and engineering-oriented disciplines. Leadership is the central focus of project management studies at BI.
International engagement
In recent years, the research group has gained significant international recognition for its research activities. It remains an ongoing ambition to maintain a high level of research activity through collaboration with international environments. The group has demonstrated substantial academic output, including articles in international journals, textbooks, and extensive participation in international conferences. Over the past few years, there have also been several awards for "Best Paper" and "Best Research." Research has been published in journals such as Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, MIT Sloan Management Review, Human Resource Management, Organization Studies, R&D Management, and the International Journal of Innovation Management. Members of the group serve on numerous editorial boards, including the International Journal of Project Management and the Project Management Journal.
International research projects
In recent years, members of the group have participated in two major international research projects: Rethinking Project Management and Value of Project Management. The group is also a member of PM Uni, a research collaboration between key Western and Eastern European universities. Together with NTNU and SINTEF, the group has established the Norwegian Centre for Project Management, which includes 30 major Norwegian public and private organisations as members, contributing to the funding of national research projects. Several members of the project management group have established strong profiles in the international research community.
Research topics
Members of the research group have worked on a wide range of issues in their research. In recent years, the following topics have been explored: the project-based society, corporate strategy and the use of projects, project portfolio management, the organisation of project management offices, the relationship between project owner and project manager, project development within organisations, time and knowledge integration in projects, uncertainty and risk in projects, HRM in project-intensive companies, project-based learning, and the development of project competence.
Educational programmes
The research group is responsible for a diverse range of educational offerings in project management. The Master of Management programme in project management has, since the inception of the Master of Management programmes, been among the most sought-after. It is now offered in Nydalen, with start dates in both the spring and autumn semesters, and from autumn 2009, also as an online course. The Master of Management programme is also offered regionally when requested by regional campuses. Teaching in project management is also provided at the Master of Science and Bachelor levels. Several members of the research group have also been actively involved in teaching in China and Lithuania.
The faculty group is led by Professor Jan Terje Karlsen.
The faculty group consists of the following employees: