Excerpt from course description

Financial Accounting and Bookkeeping


This course is part of the statutory study plan to obtain approval as a Norwegian state-authorized accountant. The study meets the requirements of the Accountant Act of December 16, 2022, No. 80 § 3-1 and the UHR Recommended Plan BØA - specialization accountant (BØA-RF) of June 22, 2023.

Course content

  • Financial Accounting
    • Basic accounting principles and good accounting practices.
    • Recognition and measurement of the most important financial statement items.
    • Accounting rules for small enterprises, including notes.
    • Other regulations for notes and annual reports, including sustainability reporting.
    • Central differences between accounting and taxation.
    • Consolidated financial statements and the principles of eliminating intra-group transactions.
    • Income statement and balance sheet orientation.
    • IFRS and simplified IFRS and the ability to apply selected IFRS standards, including those for property, plant, and equipment.
    • The difference between business economic theory and financial accounting and the ability to analyze cash flows.
    • Understanding of and ability to reflect on the information needs of users and the need for accounting regulation.
  • Bookkeeping
    • Basic bookkeeping principles and central aspects of good bookkeeping practice.
    • Knowledge of bookkeeping and quality assurance of transactions and other events in the accounts, including analysis of the accounting consequences of different VAT treatments.
    • Knowledge of preparation and quality assurance of external financial reporting using reconciliations and other analytical techniques.


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.