Effective communication skills have become increasingly important as we enter the digital business world. The workplace is more diverse - functioning in multi-cultural, multinational cross-functional teams. Not only are effective communication skills a requirement for the job, but we must be influential in communication and persuasively present new ideas to colleagues, subordinates, and superiors to inform, motivate, and prepare them for innovation and change.
Course content
Plenary sessions consisting of lectures and interactive workshops in small groups.
- Critical thinking: argumentation analysis
- Critical thinking: assumptions and fallacies
- Rhetoric
- Ethos, logos, pathos, using examples from student manuscripts and popular speeches
- Speech analysis
- Storytelling
- Dialogue as ethical communication. Introduction to the Mutual Learning Model.
- Challenging dialogues - case study
- Small groups. Ethos. Speeches, followed by individual feedback on body and voice.
- Students turn in drafts of their manuscripts. In-class peer feedback.
- Exercises - dialogue for constructive feedback
- Dialogue - tools for practicing the Mutual Learning Model
- Visual Aids
- Logos for the persuasive speech: argumentation, critical thinking, case study
- Speech delivery with individual feedback
- Submission of a manuscript for feedback - arbeidskrav
- Mock exam - exam preparation