Recruit from BI

BI Internship

By offering internship positions you can team up with competent students that wish to use what they have learned at school in a real world context.

BI Internship Bachelor

BI Internship is a credit-bearing elective, where students work 240 hours part-time in a company over the course of one semester.

The objective with the internship program is to give students the opportunity combine work experience with studies in a manner that enhances their learning in both situations. The business community gets access to updated academic knowledge, able hands and the opportunity to address their needs for new knowledge as they prepare the internship activities for their interns.

The following study programmes offer the BI Internship elective:

How to recruit students?

Companies that wish to be contacted by students can announce their BI Internship position via the BI Career Portal. Students must reach out to the companies themselves, and the companies conduct their preferred recruitment process before a learning contract is completed and signed by the student(s) and the company.

Finally, students apply for admission to the BI Internship course with the learning contract to BI. It is the companies’ and students’ responsibility to get acquainted with the requirements BI has to both parties. 

Do you have questions regarding the application process? Please send an e-mail to internship@bi.no

Do you want a BI Intern? Plan ahead!
BI Internship is an elective and the students have to apply for admission in the course. If you wish to employ interns in the autumn, you must recrut in the spring.

 The recruitment processes and learning contract needs to be ready by these dates:

1 November (internship spring, 4 semester)

1 May (internship autumn 5 semester):

  • Bachelor of Data Science for Business
  • Ledelse av Kreativ Næring
  • Digital kommunikasjon og markedsføring
  • Eiendomsmegling, jus og økonomi
  • Forretningsutvikling og entreprenørskap
  • Finans
  • Markedsføringsledelse
  • Organisasjonspsykologi, HR og ledelse
  • Økonomi og administrasjon
  • Siviløkonomi
  • Forretningsjus og økonomi
  • Rettsvitenskap

1 November (spring 4 semester and 6 semester):

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)