Social focus in BI operations
BI works systematically to improve social conditions for employees and students, through Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) actions. BI also works to ensure decent working conditions amongst our external suppliers and value-chains.
Our people - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB)
BI works systematically to improve social conditions for employees and students, through targets and action plans on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB). BI has ambition to:
- Increase share of female faculty
- Increase male share of administrative and managerial positions
- Increase female student share in Finance degree programmes
Increase awareness of unconscious bias - Zero tolerance for sexual harassment
In line with BI’s strategic sustainability focus on SDG 5 Equality, we want to create a safe place where employees, students and stakeholders find belonging and growth. BI has stated clear ambitions and action plans related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB). BI has set up a task force that works with further development on diversity and equality at BI.
BI also reports on work environment, welfare for employees and students and DEIB in our Annual Reports.

BI’s rising stars in finance and tech
Kornelia, Aditi and Jacqueline are among the recipients of BI’s Women in Finance and Tech scholarship. Why did they choose traditionally male-dominated study programmes? Read more: BI’s rising stars in finance and tech.
Social procurement
BI work to ensure social work conditions in our suppliers and their value chain, through BI’s procurement policies, contract procedures and follow-up measures. In line with the Norwegian Transparency Act, BI has ambition to:
- Increase control measures and follow-up actions of BI suppliers on social working conditions
- Increase transparency
BI´s procurement is related to our core activities, higher education, research and campus operations. BI focuses on taking conscious choices when purchasing goods and services, including focus on both the environment and on social conditions for employees amongst our suppliers and in their value chains. BI expects that suppliers ensure decent working conditions and basic human rights for employees in their value chain.
BI is currently initiating new follow-up procedures and actions, in line with the Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven). BI has in 2022 updated Request and standard Contract templates, and initiated a process with requesting Self-declarations from BIs most relevant suppliers, based on materiality analysis in line with “High Risk” lists and Socially responsible procurement, by Norwegian Directorate for Financial Management (DFØ).
BI updated general Ethical Guidelines in January 2023 and is in process of updating procedures for supplier follow-up. BI plans in 2023 to train internal supplier contract owners, on their responsibilities in these areas. BI reports on Transparency Act status in Annual Reports, from 2022. Updates and status reports will be published on this page.
If you have questions to BI regarding our procurement and supply-chain work, send e-mail to We will respond within three weeks.
Read more about the Transparency Act (Law Text) and guidance from The Norwegian Consumer Authority (Forbrukertilsynet).