
Four BI faculty awarded funding from the Finance Market Fund

9 November 2023

The Finance Market Fund (FMF), which provides funding to research and public information work relating to financial markets, has granted funding to four BI faculty for three research projects and one research conference.

Professor Paul Ehling at the Department of Finance received 1.6 mill NOK in funding over the next four years for his project entitled “Heterogenety and inequality”. 

Associate Professor Alfonso Irarrazabal at the Department of Economics was awarded 2.1 mill NOK in funding over the next four years for his project entitled “Taxing the Rich: The Trade-offs of redistribution (TaxRich)”.

Assistant Professor Annika Bacher at the Department of Economics, received 2.4 mill NOK over the next four years for her research project entitled “Gender Gaps in Credit Access and Women's Entrepreneurial Choices (ACCESS)”.

”I am very honored and grateful to have received the funding. In my project, I will study female entrepreneurship in Norway. Today, Norway has one of the lowest self-employment rate in Europe, with women being even more underrepresented in that field (compared to the general labor force). With the funding, I hope to be able to contribute to our understanding about the determinants of these developments, and to derive guidelines for policy makers  on how to promote gender equity among entrepreneurs,” says Bacher.

Professor Annelies Renders at the Department of Accounting and Operations Management received 247.000 NOK to fund the Scandinavian Accounting Research Conference and Doctoral Consortium 2024. 

“Congratulations to Paul, Alfonso, Annika, and Annelies! Getting an external research grant is recognition of the research excellence of the involved faculty and their academic departments. It is also a key objective for BI as an institution. I know that there is a lot of time and effort behind such successes, and such grants contribute to further strengthening our excellence in research”, says Harald Øverby, Provost Research, Learning and Impact at BI Norwegian Business School. 

The goal of the Finance Market Fund is to contribute to increased knowledge and understanding of how financial markets work and increase ethical awareness in the field of financial markets.


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